Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cloudy day

Well it is a cloudy day with what looks like looming rain but it did not stop our men from having a great study this morning. Love it when the people of the Lord gather in his name. Now I am just hanging out and chillin' and trying to update the laptop. It is a great start to the weekend. Looking forward to the weather warming so I can do a bit of walking outside. Shouldn't be long now before the warm weather starts but I will be patient and wait for it to arrive. Things have been bumpy but I believe the ride will be worth it. The Lord is good all the time! Thank Him for the assurance of His love and the care I know He has for me. I will endure. Right now working on regularity of blogging and will soon work on content and quantity. Have a blessed day!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Well here we go

Sorry Bud Light but I had to borrow the phrase. Just checked and it has been several months since I visited the blog but maybe it is time to do this on a more regular basis. Since that post I have been unemployed lost my apartment and most of my belongings but still I endure because my faith in Christ has sustained me. I am hoping that the disability gets approved so I can start living a life again. I have been feeling so lost since I don't really have my own identity which I have had for so long either as part of the family or just on my own. I am glad to have found a church home for myself and I am glad it is another Calvary Chapel. It just feels so right and what a blessing that it is so close to home. It feels good to just get my thoughts down on "paper" as they say. Well now it is just a waiting game and only time will tell what the future holds for me but I am faithful that the Lord will provide. I feel like Moses when he was enslaved and had to endure until the time of God's opportunity for him to be a leader. Well that is all for now and hopefully I'll be a more regular blogger.